Hello friend,
This bouquet is for you. 💐🍂
I’m not sure what you are going through this week, but I hope this meets you where you are. And if no one has told you this week, I see you.
You matter.
Your voice matters.
Your presence is enough.
This past week I have been surrounded by sickness on all sides. First my son, then my husband and daughter too. 🤧
I love my people and love caring for them AND I also need to find ways to care for myself or I will quickly become a sinking ship. Sickness in general, mine or someone close to me, is one of my stressors.
A stressor is an activity, event, experience or other stimulus that causes stress.1
I knew I needed to take fast action when I began to experience debilitating headaches and pain in my neck and shoulder. For me, those are some physical signs that I am experiencing stress.
I also experienced a huge accomplishment for me this week that I was excited to celebrate. I completed a 6 month internship working with my podcasting coach and team. So I had a lot of big feelings and didn’t know what to do with them.
What can we do to care for ourselves when we are in stress? You can hear more in this weeks episode when I share an in real life example of how I handle one of my biggest stressors.
Listen in 👉 20 | When Sickness Hits Your Home- 3 Ways to Support Your Mental and Emotional Wellness
Become aware
Check in and Reflection Questions: ✍️
Do you have an action plan for your mental & emotional wellness when sickness hits your home?
What is a decision you can make in advance to care for yourself when you or a loved one is sick? *Name one way you can care for yourself, write it down, and keep it where you can get to it easily.
Can you name 1 or 2 support people that you can reach out to as part of your wellness plan?
Want to share your reflection with me?
Reply to this email and your words will come directly to me.
Want to share your reflection with the community?
Leave a comment. 🫶
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Invite them to the table.
Just a reminder: I am a Certified Peer Counselor and Wellness Recovery Coach. I use my own lived experience of mental health and wellness recovery to walk alongside others in their recovery. I am not a medical doctor or clinical counselor. I do not attempt to diagnose or prescribe. If you or a loved one needs immediate care, please seek out your nearest health care provider or call 911.
Also be aware that anytime we are talking about mental health, any number of topics could trigger our emotions. Please take precautions while listening and seek out support if needed.